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What Are Crystals and How to Heal With Them

Information in this article was obtained from Crystal Well-Being Ltd.

How do Crystals Work?

Crystals have a long tradition of being used for crystal healing.  Each variety of crystal has a unique internal structure, which causes it to resonate at a certain frequency.  It is this resonance that is said to give crystals their healing abilities.  Applying this resonance in a coherent way can help to restore stability and balance to the body's energy systems, stimulating the body's natural healing mechanisms.  Crystal therapy is a gentle non-invasive form of alternative healing that works holistically to harmonize the mind, body, emotions and spirit, helping to increase our feeling of well-being, neutralize negativity, lift depression and to help us to become integrated, whole beings.

Just like crystals it is said that humans are crystalline beings, having an electromagnetic field that is very sensitive and similar to crystals.  Different crystal minerals emit a certain energy field much like the human auras.  Crystals emit this vibration easily and effectively over long periods of time.  Through studies it has been discovered that crystals have the power to absorb and carry an electrical current which passes through the crystals, this current directs the healing energy of the crystal like a laser point to heal different parts of the body.  This type of healing work is done especially well when using a crystal wand with double terminated crystals on both ends to direct energy where it needs to go.  When programmed with intensions or manifestations crystals can hold energy in order to carry our positive intentions into our auras, environment, the world, and the universe, this works in conjunction with following the laws of attraction and mindfulness to do only the highest good while working with crystals.  All crystal minerals have their own healing energy and can help to balance our energy systems which are known as chakras.  Crystals heal in a gentle way that is powerful in treating all of the energy bodies to alleviate pain, or help to remove disease.  The energy bodies include the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.


Using Crystals for Crystal Healing

Crystals can be placed on specific points of the body to bring relief or can be swept over the body using, for example, a crystal pendulum healing technique or a crystal wand healing technique.  Carrying or wearing a crystal that resonates with a physical condition can also gently relieve or eventually cure the condition.  Specific color crystals can be used for chakra healing.  They can be placed on the body using the Seven Color Chakra Layout.  Below are some examples of conditions and the crystals that can be used to alleviate them.


The crystal used to provide relief from a headache depends on the cause of the headache.  A tension headache can be relieved by placing amethyst, amber or turquoise on or around the head.  Lapis lazuli can also be used and has been employed for centuries to help treat migraines, it is important to be careful when working with this stone as it has the ability to lower blood pressure at a rapid rate.   Amethyst can be placed in a healing layout on and around the head to help relieve symptoms.  Another common cause of headaches which is found in an imbalance between the head energy and the solar plexus chakra is usually brought about by stress or unsuitable food.  If you suspect stress to be the cause of your headache or if you have a headache with an upset stomach use a stone that helps to balance the solar plexus such as a citrine or moonstone.

Difficulty sleeping

Again the crystal needed depends on the cause of the sleeplessness.  You may need to experiment as a stone that works well for one person may not work for someone else.  If you believe tension and worry are stopping you from sleeping use a crystal such as a chrysoprase, rose quartz, citrine or amethyst to treat the sleeplessness.  One of these crystals should be placed by the bed or under the pillow to calm and sooth the person as well as settle down the energies in the bedroom.  Sometimes difficulty sleeping or restlessness is a result of overeating, in this case iron pyrite or moonstone can be used to calm the stomach.  If nightmares are causing you problems, protective stones such as tourmaline or smoky quartz can promote peaceful sleep and should be placed at the foot of the bed.  Labradorite may also help, as it is thought to chase away any unwelcome feelings and thoughts.

Lack of energy

Red, orange and yellow crystals can be used to promote an increase in energy.  The most stimulating and dynamic crystals are those with bright strong colors such as deep red garnet, golden amber or golden-yellow topaz.  For an increase in practical motivation use deeper tones like tiger's eye, dark citrine and jasper.  Holding a clear quartz crystal, point upwards, in each hand and placing a citrine on the solar plexus can achieve a quick boost of energy to the whole system.

Lack of libido

This can have an emotional cause.  Emotional conditions blocking sexual energy can be gently released by using fluorite and red garnet thus stimulating passion once again.

Difficulty with study and concentration

Concentration can be aided by quartz, which is believed to give mental clarity, and carnelian, which clears extraneous thought.  Citrine and amber are thought to stimulate memory and lapis lazuli is a powerful amplifier of thoughts.  Amethyst can promote mental clarity, helping you to focus on realistic goals and to visualize clearly.  It is also believed to sooth the nervous system and to aid neural transmission.  Fluorite is an excellent aid for studying, as it is believed to balance the functioning of the brain hemispheres while deep blue stones such as sodalite can aid communication and give a better understanding of concepts and ideas.

Healing the mind

Crystals are believed to promote peace and tranquility by dissolving blockages to emotional expression.  The stones should be worn or kept about your person.  They can also be placed in a healing layout.  Green is a healing color and many green crystals can be used to help reduce mental and nervous stress.  In the East, green jade is prized for its ability to calm the nervous system and to focus the mind.  Rose quartz and blue lace agate can both be used for cleansing and detoxifying the emotions.  Opal promotes emotional balance and stability and amethyst works on hormone production, balancing emotional highs and lows and helping you to feel less 'scattered' and more in control.  Amethyst can also relieve stress by reducing mental burdens and helping you to focus on realistic goals and amber can be used to neutralize a negative state of mind and to balance any underlying emotional and endocrine imbalance.


Sacred Geometry


Sacred Geometry is currently re-discovered as a knowledge Key for shifting to a new paradigm of universal wholeness and loving inter-connectedness with the Web of Life. Traditional wisdom holds the universe to exist because of a profound harmonic order. From the quantum vacuum to atoms to DNA to galaxies, certain precisely reoccurring ratios and geometric symmetries are the foundation of the whole cosmos.

The Golden Ratio, as exemplified in the Fibonacci series and the Platonic Solids, is the pulse and power orchestrating "Cosmos". Etymologically, the Greek word "cosmos" means order & beauty and refers to a universe perceived as a "divine ornament".

The contemporary faces of Sacred Geometry are called: Design Science, Fractality, Invariance-scale Physics, Phi Recursiveness, Hyper-Harmonics, Self-Similarity and Quantum Geometry...


The study, understanding & applications of Sacred Geometry in nature and in consciousness offers a needed and substantial gift: to open our human awareness to perceive again a living, interconnected, intelligent and benevolent universe.  Sacred Geometry is the collective re-appearance of our deep innate wisdom: seeing and becoming the all-encompassing Unity of Life...


Sacred Geometry helps us to reach towards understanding the heavens as there are spiritual realms preceding and continuing life on earth; harmonic chords can be played by celestial bodies choreographing graceful time-space dances; the "Big Bang" can be heard as the Primordial Song of the Universe and each star can be smiling to each flower... while the human family is holding hands with all of creation, knowing and understanding how the whole of the universe works.


Sacred Geometry is a pathway to understanding who you are, where you are from and where you are going.

Through the study of patterns, shapes, forms, proportions, ratios, you can master Sacred Geometry. It unravels the mysteries of life and explains how we are all from the same source, unity and oneness. It is a study of the underlying principles that make our Universe be able to exist.


From the dance of sub-atomic particles to spiraling galaxies, and the concepts of wave theory, Zero point and Holographic fields, advanced systems of healing, Bio Feedback, The Fractal Universe, The Geometry of DNA, Nature, Ancient Civilizations, Alchemy, New Clean Energy Technologies, Sacred Architecture, Art and Design, Kundalini Studies, Bliss and Enlightenment, Magnetism and the ‘WIND on which LOVE Travels.’


It is also a language of symbols, light and art operating via the Right Hemisphere of the Brain that understands Pictures, Colors, Shape, and Holographs.


Every culture and society, since the beginning of time has had their version of a synergistic interrelationship with these patterns. Geometry is the common ground between many of the cultures and traditions on our planet going back to the beginning of the human story.


The Ancients such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, Druids, Essences and Mayans incorporated Sacred Geometry teachings into their mystery schools.  More recently, these once closely held secrets were transmitted through the studies of Vedic philosophy, vastu shastra, Feng Shui and Taoist philosophy, Western Alchemy, Freemasonry, and the Rosicrucian movement in Europe. Their initiates had to learn the Alchemy of the Soul.


It also involved the study of the Stars and star maps and therefore connected us to the big Picture or Macrocosm, which our Ancestors believed was a mirror of the Small, Atomic, D.N.A Picture or Microcosm. Hence the famous saying “As Above, so Below.” 

The use of sacred geometry with combination of mathematical equations, and symbols it anciently developed the ability to measure the Earths circumference, build mighty temples and structures such as the Pyramids, and be able to move huge tonnage of beautiful craved stones into position. It enabled us to create music, art, architecture and the philosophies of who you are, how you are created, where you are going and with what purpose.


Sacred Geometry is the Language of Shape, vibration and symmetry. From the mosaics of Sufi Art, the pyramids of Ancient Egypt, the Mandela’s of Vedic Philosophy, to the calendars of the Aztecs and mystery schools and secret societies in the western world, to the medicines of India, Tibet, China, Celtic and Druid – Sacred Geometry has long bridged the world of spirit and matter. It continues to play an integral role in the traditions of art, architecture, science and cutting-edge physics, alchemy, feng shui, geomancy, music and mathematics.


The application of sacred geometry can be functional in creating crystal grids for crystal healing.  The symbols of sacred geometry like the Flower of Life, Seed of Life, Tree of Life, and Metatron’s Cube can be used as grid bases to put crystals on them for doing manifestation work to bring into physical reality something that has been wished for by someone.  This is done by programming the crystals with specific intent in accomplishing something and making it happen, and then placing the crystals on the sacred geometry grid and additionally empowering with positive mantras to solidify the intended action(s).

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